Beanie Boo Birthdays: November

November Birthdays

NOVEMBER 04 - Rosie the Turtle
NOVEMBER 08 - Dreamer the Leopard
NOVEMBER 10 - Rainbow the Poodle
NOVEMBER 10 - Wishful the Unicorn
NOVEMBER 12 - Freedom the Cat
NOVEMBER 12 - Pegasus the Unicorn
NOVEMBER 13 - Blueberry the Monkey
NOVEMBER 13 - Creeper the Spider
NOVEMBER 13 - Mask the Mummy
NOVEMBER 13 - Pipper the Owl
NOVEMBER 13 - Reagan the Cheetah
NOVEMBER 14 - Lollipop the Bunny
NOVEMBER 14 - Trixie the Cheetah
NOVEMBER 15 - Aria the Owl
NOVEMBER 16 - Beaks the Toucan
NOVEMBER 17 - Freeze the Penguin
NOVEMBER 17 - Gobbler the Turkey 
NOVEMBER 18 - Leona the Leopard
NOVEMBER 18 - Patty the Penguin
NOVEMBER 19 - Speckles the Leopard
NOVEMBER 20 - Skylar the Unicorn
NOVEMBER 22 - Gobbles the Turkey
NOVEMBER 22 - Thankful the Turkey
NOVEMBER 25 - Penelope the Penguin
NOVEMBER 25 - Tangerine the Monkey
NOVEMBER 27 - Sydney the Leopard
NOVEMBER 28 - Gobbles the Turkey (Redesign)
NOVEMBER 29 - Sparkles the Dolphin
NOVEMBER 30 - Zuri the Monkey